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  • Writer's picturebombeidarrell

Has it been a while since you talked with God?

Spending time in prayer and reading God’s Word is an important part of daily Christian life. Just like in any relationship you have to keep it nurtured. We can get so busy with work, sports, school, and just living life we forget about our relationship with God. If you miss that regular time of talking with God, then that relationship can get cold and stale. One day can turn into two days, then before you know it, a week has gone by. You miss two weeks then it doesn’t become important, and you lose touch on how to keep a relationship with God vibrant. You can even feel embarrassed to talk with God. That is how it can happen.

If you are at that point where the fire for God has gone out, you can change it. The good thing is, God has not gone anyplace. He has been right there the whole time waiting for you. Humble yourself before God and ask forgiveness for ignoring Him. Then change, by starting to spend time with God again. I promise if you do this, and that fire will start back up. Talk with God daily and start reading the bible. Make a special time for yourself to do this. It might mean getting up a little early, to read the bible. Our church had a program where we used the iPhone app which is an audio app of the bible. It allowed bible reading while doing whatever (driving, doing housework, cutting the yard, riding the bike, walking). Find out what works for you. It might be listening to a sermon while driving to work. I use the iPhone app OnePlace and select a pastor that I want to listen to. Praying is easy, just talk with God, praising Him, tell him what it is your dealing with. The key is start spending time with God. Then as that fire gets restarted you will rearrange things to spend more time with God. If you come closer to God, he will come closer to you.

James 4:8

8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Has it been a while since you talked with God
Has it been a while since you talked with God

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